
Whatever the occasion, we’re here to help you rhetorically shine. Let’s make something awesome.


1 Hour

We’ll spend an hour working in your stage of choice.


3 Hours

We’ll spend three hours divided among any of the stages.

Stage A

Perfect for organizing thoughts

  • First we’ll identify the main idea of the speech. Then we’ll create supporting points that expand your main topic.

  • We’ll map out a “flow” for the speech by placing ideas in a sensible order.

Stage B

You have an idea and a roadmap. Now it’s time to write and edit.

  • We’ll transform our structured ideas into impactful phrases and arguments.

  • Once we’ve written a full script, we’ll review elements like word choice, clarity, and length.

Stage C

Dedicated time to practice

  • We’ll keep your speech content balanced and within time constraints.

  • We’ll reduce those “uh’s” and “um’s” while increasing clarity.

  • We’ll supplement your speaking style with meaningful nonverbal gestures, impeccable posture, and appropriate facial expressions.